Jack Hirschman

Jack Hirschman war der Liebling des ganzen Parkhotel-Teams 2009
Jack Hirschman war der Liebling des ganzen Parkhotel-Teams 2009

Noch ein Jubiläumsgast: Jack Hirschman wird nochmals hier sein. Wir freuen uns sehr! Und hier seine Textspende:





I came out of it knowing

I had to learn death by heart.


You showed me the lines

in my very own brow.


I was never very good

at reading by heart.


I need to have a score in

my hand because, I see now,


it was too much for me

to memorize death


with a big, open breath.

I needed to bend and bow.


I needed to run my tongue along

the ground of the here and now


and taste my son, who’d died

before he could know he’d be


delivered in the form of a letter

written in ink invisible to


everyone but me, and embrace me

as I lift my eyes and raise


my voice and say: I saw you there,

it was impossible not to


recognize you. And I embrace you

in return.


                           ---Jack Hirschman

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